Don Mills & Sheppard

Population: 37,930
Area: 6.7 sq km
% low-income after tax: 23.9%
% recent immigrants: 28.1%

About this neighbourhood

Don Mills-Sheppard is located in the north-central part of the city and is comprised of The Peanut, Henry Farm, Parkway Forest, and four social housing communities. The mix of low-density suburban housing and high-rise apartment buildings is home to many newcomers to Canada and with its proximity to two major highways as well as local and regional transit connections, condo development along Sheppard Ave is booming. Key landmarks include Fairview Mall and, on its periphery, Seneca College and North York General Hospital.

What we found

Based on our findings, we have provided this neighbourhood with the following grading:

Retail C

Food assistance C

Produce markets C

Food skills & growing B

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Food friendly highlights

Don Mills & Sheppard

Special thanks to City of Toronto, Toronto Public Health, Toronto Food Strategy, Flemingdon Health Centre – Fairview Community Health, the Fairview Food Security Network and Don Mills and Sheppard residents who participated in neighbourhood consultations.

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