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For me, summertime doesn’t get much better than spreading my blanket across a sunny patch of grass and lying down to watch some beautiful live music. If you agree that this sounds like an ideal night out, you might be interested to know that next month you can see a great rock band, and support a great food bank, all in one fantastic evening.
On Tuesday, July 21st, Dave Matthews Band will be bringing their smooth sounds to the Molson Amphitheatre, and North York Harvest will be front and center at the event, mingling with the fans and collecting your food and fund donations.
There are a few ways you can support NYHFB at the show:
- Bring your food donations to the show and drop them in our bins outside the gates of the venue.
- Once you’re inside, support North York Harvest by picking up a Dave Matthews Band Nalgene bottle for a $10 donation. All the proceeds will be donated to a local farm, who in turn will give an in kind donation of fresh and healthy food to NYHFB.
- During the concert look for our staff and volunteers (we’ll make ourselves visible) and come on over for a chat! We’ll be handing out some great materials, as well as collecting your generous donations.
The event is part of the Bama Green Project, a partnership between Dave Matthews and REVERB, which works to bring awareness to food security issues. For more information on this amazing project, check out this video.
We hope you can make it out for what’s going to be a fantastic night. For information on tickets, please visit Dave Matthew’s website. To get involved as a volunteer, please email
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