
Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in supporting the North York Harvest Community.

Volunteer to help sort food

Volunteer Services – Volunteer Assistant
A volunteer is needed to assist the Manager of Volunteer Services

Volunteers are needed to sort food Monday to Friday, 9:15am to noon and from 1pm to 3pm.

Volunteer Charity Bingo Ambassador

We are looking for volunteers to act as North York Harvest’s Ambassadors at Rama Toronto East Gaming Centre located at 991 Kennedy Road (south of Lawrence)

Volunteer to help distribute food at the following locations:

Albion Library Community Food Space
1515 Albion Road (located close to the Albion Library)
Volunteers are needed to help distribute food on Wednesdays and Thursdays

Bathurst Finch Community Food Space
580 Finch Avenue West (located at the Herb Carnegie Arena)
Volunteers are needed to help distribute food on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

Lawrence Heights Community Food Space
5 Replin Road (located at the Lawrence Heights Community Centre)
Volunteers are needed to help distribute food on Tuesdays and Fridays

Oriole Community Food Space
2975 Don Mills Road (located at the Oriole Community Centre)
Volunteers are needed to help distribute food on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

Room to Grow Child Centre
8 Templar Drive (Kipling Avenue/The Westway)
Volunteers are needed to help distribute food on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

For individuals looking to volunteer, please contact Lisa Anderson, Manager Volunteer Services, at lisa@northyorkharvest.com or 416-635-7771 x 2900

Would your community or corporate group like to volunteer? Please contact the following staff for more information:

Community groups: Husnia A., Development Officer, at husnia@northyorkharvest.com or 416-635-7771 x 2100

Corporate groups: Judith Reda, Community and Corporate Fundraising Manager at judithreda@northyorkharvest.com or 416-635-7771 x3700



For information about other organizations working with volunteers, please contact the following resources:

Volunteer Toronto at 416-961-6888 or www.volunteertoronto.ca 
Charityvillage at www.charityvillage.com 
JustServe at https://www.justserve.org/