It Can Happen to Anyone

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Personally, I have never used a food bank. But as someone that has spent time working at North York Harvest and getting to know the clients – I know that it can happen and it could happen when I least suspect it.

One particular story that has touched my heart lately is Jennifer’s. I met her a couple of months ago at one of our partner agencies that assists women that are pregnant and in need of food.

Jennifer is only 17 years old and was working at a part time job to save for college. But then life took one of its many unexpected turns and Jennifer discovered that she was pregnant. Kicked out of her home, she found herself without a place to live and not enough money to pay for food or rent. I really felt for her – something like this can happen to anyone.


When we met, Jennifer had been staying on a friend’s couch and using the food bank. “I was lost with nowhere to go. A social service worker I contacted told me about this prenatal program that also runs a food bank. Even though I’m in a really tough spot right now – it helps me get by.”

With the help of the Jane St. Hub Prenatal Nutrition Program, Jennifer is able to access weekly meetings with other women that are pregnant. I have visited the program once before and can see how truly beneficial it can be for some people. It gives these women a chance to bond and discuss any problems they may be facing – and Jennifer finds this extremely helpful given her current situation. After each meeting, the women receive a hamper of healthy food and have an opportunity to speak with a registered dietitian regarding any nutritional concerns they may have. For many women, this program is a gift.

“The dietitian in the program has really helped me learn about nutrition – which is extremely important to me because I’m eating for my baby now too. In fact, after I am back on my feet I hope I can finally go to college and become a dietitian myself. I want to help others the way that I have been helped.” Jennifer said hopefully.

I feel better knowing that there are programs in my community that help people like Jennifer. Sometimes life doesn’t work out as planned. But because of people like you, I know that there is someone out there to catch us when we fall.

This is just one of the many stories that come out of the programs that you support! Without you, Jennifer may not have found the help she needed or the inspiration to keep going despite unplanned circumstances.

The summer is a time when our food bank stock becomes low. Hunger in our city doesn’t get to take a summer vacation – and neither does Jennifer. With your help, you can ensure that your neighbours are able to access amazing programs in your community regardless of circumstance.

I’m making a plan this summer to partner with Jennifer and others like her to ensure they have the support and healthy food they need.  I hope you will join me!

Please make a gift today and help us plan for a summer where no one goes hungry.


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