We Need Your Help

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For many Toronto children, summer is a time for savory barbecues and fun-filled picnics. You yourself may be lucky enough to enjoy a holiday getaway with your friends and family this summer.

But right now families in your community need your support more than ever.

Many children from low-income families depend on food programs at their schools for lunch or breakfast. Sadly, in the summer months, these kids go without many of these important meals.  

This time of year is even more difficult for working families who also have to pay for daycare (when the children are not in school).  

The reality is . . . families in our community struggle even harder to put food on the table during the summer.  

There are over 16,000 people who must use the food bank every month. 40% of these people are children.

Almost two thirds of the children who rely on North York Harvest Food Bank every month are under the age of 11. That means that of the 6,000 children going hungry every month – close to 4,000 children under 11 are without food.

But together we can make a huge difference in the lives of people in your community that struggle to put food on the table.

What can you do today to make sure these children, and their families, get the food they need? It’s simple: Donate to our North York Harvest Food Bank Hunger Alert Campaign this summer.

Your gift will go to work immediately to help feed:

  • Children whose single parent can’t afford both day care and three nutritious meals a day
  • Elderly who struggle to survive on their pensions
  • Families whose wage earners suddenly find themselves unemployed and forced to slash their food budget to pay for rent and living expenses
  • Workers who are straining to survive on shrinking pay cheques and rising living costs in North York
  • People from all walks of life who believed they would only ever donate to a food bank, never imagining that they might need to use one.

When you make a gift to North York Harvest Food Bank you will help people through these difficult times, provide nourishment, and rebuild their will to overcome their challenging situations.

Hunger doesn’t take a vacation but you can make a difference.  

Also, your gift will be tripled this summer — for every dollar you donate, we can stretch that towards $3 worth of healthy and nutritious food for your neighbours in need

Right now we need your support more than ever. Donate now to make a difference in the lives of more than 16,000 people each month.


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