Amp Up Your Food & Funds Drive!

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One of the best ways of getting involved with your community is by holding your very own food & funds drive!  This is an awesome way of collecting money and non-perishable items that will go towards providing many meals for your neighbours in need!

Did you know that there are MANY ways to raise food and funds that are exciting and fun?

Check out some of these great ideas!

Host a talent show!

Invite the entire school including parents and the surrounding community!  You can charge 2 cans for admission and have us come and support you! Don’t forget to live tweet everything!



Have a street or parking lot party!

Put out a food collection bin and run a carnival and BBQ. Game tickets can go towards NYH!


Cram a bus!

Cram a bus with as much food as (safely) possibly and join us at the food bank!  We would love to give you a tour and show you how we sort the food!


 joe banana

Dress Down (or Up) for Work

In order for an employee to come wearing something other than usual, they must bring two cans of food or a monetary donation.


Host a Competition for Who Brings in the Most Food & Funds

Give out prizes like:

  • most food collected per site/office/classroom
  • collected the most money
  • best photos of the food collection staging


Host a Silent Auction or Raffle

Funds raised from your event will help support over 13,000 people a month with their food needs!


Host a Dance

Attendees can bring food or a donation to the food bank as their entrance fee.  You can even have a dance off to find out who has the best moves!



Have a Garage Sale

Clean out your unwanted items (one person’s trash can be another’s treasure!) while raising money for your neighbours that are hungry!


Still not sure what kind of fun ideas there are when helping your community? Check out this great list of 87 IDEAS!

Ready to have a great time and provide meals to your neighbours that are hungry? Contact Leslie at or 416-635-7771 ex 21 TODAY!


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