Charity Bingo
Calling all volunteers!
We are currently looking for helping hands at a charitable bingo activity (some evenings – must be 19 or older)!
Please contact Lisa Anderson at lisa@northyorkharvest.com or 416-635-7771 ext. 29 for more information.
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Oriole Food Space (Don Mills/Sheppard area)
Telemarketing Volunteer
Work with the Development Department to:
Telephone existing donors to thank them
Telephone prospective donors to ask for financial donations
Assist with mailings (campaigns, tax receipts, thank you letters)
Working on our Trucks
Driving Assistants
We need some volunteers who can spend a day with our drivers. See first hand where our food comes from and where it goes.
Monday, 9am to 2pm
Tuesday, 9am to 2pm
Wednesday, 9am to 2pm
Thursday, 9am to 2pm
Food Sorters
Monday, 9am to noon and /or 1pm to 3pm
Tuesday, 9am to noon and/or 1pm to 3pm
Wednesday, 9am to noon and/or 1pm to 3pm
Thursday, 9am to noon and/or 1pm to 3pm
Friday, 10am to noon and/or 1pm to 3pm
Food Bank Volunteers
Lawrence Heights Community Food Bank:
We need volunteers to receive food orders and to stock shelves.
Tuesday, 8am to noon or 1pm to 3:30pm
Weston Area Emergency Support (WAES)
Tuesday 9am-11am
Friday 9am-11am