Tag Archive: forklift

  1. Looking Back at 2016

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    2016 has come to a close.  It’s been quite the year, hasn’t it?  Whether you had a great year or can’t wait for 2017 to start, we can all agree that a lot has happened over the past 365 days.

    Here at NYH, there has been a lot of excitement and progress over the past year.  We’ve seen many accomplishments and triumphs thanks to our amazing clients, volunteers, donors, staff and supporters!  We wouldn’t have had such a terrific year without YOU!

    I asked my colleagues in the office, warehouse and on the front lines what their favourite memories of 2016 were and got quite an impressive response!

    I considered doing one of those end of year top ten lists but then realized that I can’t decide which is the best one!  So here, in no particular order, are some of the great milestones, achievements and moments from 2016!

    2016 was BIG for programs, partnerships, feedback and healthy eating!

    Of course I couldn’t start off without saying THANK YOU for providing food to people in our community!  This year we served more than 15,000 people every month and distributed over 2.3 MILLION lbs. of food!

    On top of putting food on the table for our neighbours in need, there were many other exciting things happening this year, including:

    Child Care Food Delivery

    This year NYH partnered with Learning Enrichment Foundation to bring healthy meals and snacks to over 1400 kids in childcare programs throughout the city.


    Mission Kitchen

    For 3 months this year, NYH was able to run a community kitchen in the Lawrence Heights neighbourhood.  Each week, participants came together to learn cooking skills and enjoy a meal together.  Learn more about Mission Kitchen here!

    Food Handling Certificates and Meal Programs

    The Oriole Food Space ran a series of community kitchen programs in partnership with Flemingdon Health Centre and Working Women Community Centre, particularly aimed at Syrian refugees. We trained a group of almost 20 Arabic speaking newcomers in food handling and food safety, necessary skills in securing employment in the food sector.


    Soup Production

    This year NYH got into the exciting world of food production! We partnered with FoodShare & Foodstarter to form a unique partnership to produce a soup that would help our community meet their food needs.  With the help of students and volunteers, we were able to produce a dry lentil soup that will be sold through FoodShare’s Good Food Boxes & Grab Some Good pop up markets.  Each soup sold will put a soup on the food bank shelf for someone hungry in the community.


    Toronto Star Santa Hampers

    This was first year we were able to distribute a healthier hamper for those receiving the Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund Hampers.  Every hamper included perishable items including eggs, cheese, apples and more!


    Farm Fresh

    Many of our clients were able to visit community farms in and around the city to see first hand where some of the fresh and nutritious produce that goes to their table comes from.


    Client Surveys

    A comprehensive client survey was conducted in our food banks.  Results are being put together now and will be used to guide future programming to ensure clients receive the best service possible!


    Logistics Essentials Workforce Development

    Using our warehouse space, we have embarked on a training program for low income individuals to learn skills for the workplace.  Students will learn technical and employments skills as well as receiving certification for Forklift driving, safe food handling and WHMIS.


    Lawrence Heights

    Lawrence Heights Community Food Space found a new home at 6 Pengarth Court. LHCFS is also our first community food space to move to the new appointment based model.  This allows clients to have an appointment at the food bank to ensure less wait time, giving them better access to services and supports, and a personal touch.


    Staff Training

    Our frontline staff have had extensive training over the past year in non-violent conflict resolution, working in communities that experience gun violence, trauma informed care, food handlers certificates, developing a community of practice, program development, evaluation and implementation


    Advocacy Award

    This year we were honoured with the Advocacy Award from the Ontario Association of Food Banks recognizing our efforts towards addressing hunger in the community.


    Donor Recognition

    This year we celebrated our donors at Taylor’s Landing.  It was a great opportunity to connect with some amazing people that are helping us provide our services in the community.


     Don’t miss the 2016 wrap up video!

    There are so many other great memories from 2016 and this was only just a few.

    Do you have any highlights of the year? We’d love to know!  Leave your memories in the comment section to share your views!

    Here’s to an even more amazing 2017 helping our community meet their food needs!



  2. What’s in Store for 2016?

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    New Year’s resolutions are very common to make at this time of year.   I have definitely thought of a couple for myself, and it has probably crossed your mind as well.  Most of the popular resolutions are to get out of debt, volunteer more, get fit, quit smoking or save money.

    As a new member of the North York Harvest family, I was curious about our New Year’s Resolutions for a city where no one goes hungry.  I sat down with our Executive Director, Ryan Noble, to chat about what is in store for North York Harvest Food Bank in 2016. These are some of the main things we will be partnering with our donors, community and agencies in 2016

    Ryan Noble

        1. Find a new home for the Lawrence Heights Food Bank

        2. See that the Poverty Reduction Strategy is Implemented

        3. Increase our Industrial Partnership with The Learning Enrichment Foundation (LEF)

        4. Increase our Food Purchasing Program




    Find a new home for the Lawrence Heights Food Bank


    Our Lawrence Heights Community Food Bank, used to be at our old location in Lawrence Heights. We were unable to have the food bank come with us to 116 Industry Street.  It needed to stay in that area to provide service to the many clients who relied on it for food support.  With space in our old neighborhood difficult to find, we were able to find a home nearby that promised to be a good solution.   Yet two major issues that our food bank clients face is the cost of transportation and disability. The majority of the 2,000 clients who access this food bank living in Lawrence Heights found it difficult to get there. We quickly recognized that to ensure clients would be able to access the food bank it would need to move back to the Lawrence Heights community.  With the support of our staff, volunteer leaders and the Lawrence Heights community, we have been working on a solution that would provide us with an accessible space right back in the community.  With the continued support of donors like you and our dedicated community, our goal is to move back within the next 6 months without interrupting service.  We want to ensure that in the cold winter months ahead, everyone will be able to access the food they need.


    See that the Poverty Reduction Strategy is Implemented


    Recently the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) was passed during a Toronto city council meeting.  The PRS aims to eliminate poverty in Toronto by 2035 with implementations starting in 2016.  The goal is to address immediate needs such as housing, transportation and food insecurity.  NYH has been a big supporter of this strategy since day one and we would like to see it take shape.  The only issue now is what funding will be available for this plan.

    What does North York Harvest want to see addressed as soon as possible?  Public space for food programming.  Many people living in poverty do not have access to healthy food because of where they live.  We want to be able to provide our programs in more communities, but there is a lack of public space for us to run our programs (like our issue with Lawrence Heights).

    The PRS recommends increasing the number of emergency food programs such as food banks in neighbourhoods that have food insecurity and poor food access.

    This would significantly help us serve over 13,000 people each month and would increase access to these programs for our clients.  Click here to find out more about the Poverty Reduction Strategy.


    Increase our Industrial Partnership with The Learning Enrichment Foundation (LEF)


    When we moved into our new home at 116 Industry St, one of the things we were most excited about was the potential for partnerships with many of the great organizations also located here.  One collaboration that we were able to implement right away was allowing students working on their forklift-driving license to use our forklifts and warehouse.  This has helped them complete their training in a live warehouse thus building real work experience.  As we enter 2016, we have some plans to see that partnership expand. We’re hoping to create an apprentice program for on the job training while supporting our warehouse distribution. This will ensure we can move more food through our warehouse to the clients who need it.


    Increase our Food Purchasing Program


    In an effort to make sure that our community has enough healthy food to eat, we have further developed our food purchasing program into the Build a Hamper Program.  The goal of this program is to take our food hampers to the next level by adding more fresh and healthy food.  Many of our food items come through donations from food drives or corporate donations and consist of non-perishable foods.  We would like to increase our food purchasing budget so we can provide more items such as fresh vegetables, dairy, eggs, meat and milk to ensure a more balanced meal for those that access our food banks.  If you would like to learn more about our Build A Hamper program, click here.


    We are definitely looking forward to achieving these goals in 2016!  What are your New Year’s Resolutions?


    Keep in Touch this Year!!