Tag Archive: food banks canada

  1. New Beginnings

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    Canada has a long history of welcoming refugees fleeing war, famine and persecution. Since the 1700’s Canada has welcomed refugees around the world.  In the 1780’s we welcomed African Americans that were runaway slaves. From 1900-1939 Ukrainians fleeing civil war came to Canada.  In the 1940’s refugees of the WWII settled here. In 2009 we welcomed Iraqis fleeing from the rule of Saddam Hussein.

    “A refugee is one that flees; especially :  a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution” – Merriam Webster

    Most recently Canada has opened its arms to thousands of Syrian refugees, and we are proud to do our part.


    This is yet another example of giving and inclusive spirit that Canadians have always had. I am glad that we are able to share our amazing country with our new Syrian community members!

    Syrian families are just like ours.  Moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandpas, grandmas, aunts and uncles;  many have moved into our North York community; maybe you’ve had a chance to meet them? As they are settling in, their first step is to meet their basic needs and thus many have been referred to our food banks both to access food for their family, learn more about Canadian food and often as a point of entry to other services in their community. They receive a 3 day supply of food for their families as well as referrals to any other services they may need. We are happy to help them get back on their feet.

    The food bank that has seen the greatest increase of newcomers is the Oriole Food Space, located in the Parkway Forest Community Centre at 55 Forest Manor Road. I wanted to share with you what it’s like supporting our new neighbours at the food bank, so I went directly to the expert. Even with her busy schedule, I managed to track down Oriole Food Space Manager, Daffodil Davis, so she could share her experiences with us.


    How many newcomers have you seen in the past year?
    “Since January we have seen about 300 new faces.  Last month we served 60 Syrian households”

    What challenges do they face at the food bank?
    “I think an obvious challenge is their unfamiliarity with Canadian food. They have trouble with the canned food items such as instant soups and meals. They are more familiar with foods such as rice, sugar, meat, dairy and fresh vegetables and fruit. Part of my job is to help educate them about this new food. I try to help them with ways they can use canned items as part of their meals.”

    What other challenges are they facing as newcomers to the country?
    “It is a huge learning experience for them. They are still getting used to their neighbourhoods, how to register their children for school and public transportation. Many of them are looking for employment and have a lot of skills to offer but language is a barrier.”

    What are some positive responses you have received?
    “I know many of them are excited and feel privileged to be here. They are incredibly ambitious people and want to experience all Canada has to offer and give back to their new community.

    What are some not so positive responses you have received?
    “A lot of attention is being put on them at the moment which can be really hard. I’ve spoken to a few people that feel as though they must always be sharing their stories. Sometimes they feel they are under a microscope because of their situation.”

    What other services are available to them through the food bank?
    “Here at the Community Centre, they have access to our partners Working Women, who provide programs such as ESL (English as a Second Language) and LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada). We have also facilitated community fairs featuring agencies that offer health care, legal clinics and other government services.”

    Can you share an experience or story of working with one of the new refugee families?
    “We offer a free food-handling certificate program and many of them are excited to have the opportunity to get the certificate. One woman that loves art and working with children is hoping to get a job in childcare. She was excited that she would be able to work in a kitchen preparing snacks because of this certificate”

    What is your takeaway from working so closely with these individuals?
    “Their goal in Canada is to find a new life, work, friends, give back to their new home and to be given a chance. They are living in a new country and looking for new beginnings.”


    I can’t tell you how proud I am that we as a country were able to step up and support thousands of people in need!


    It’s because of you that we are able to give these newcomers a helping hand to get back on their feet! Thank you for your incredible support of our programs throughout the years and especially during these past few months! Together we can give our new neighbours the new beginning they deserve!

    If you would like to help Daffodil and our new refugee friends, make a gift here or volunteer with us!

    “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank


    Read stories of Canadian Refugees here at the Government of Canada website!

  2. It Can Happen to Anyone

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    Personally, I have never used a food bank. But as someone that has spent time working at North York Harvest and getting to know the clients – I know that it can happen and it could happen when I least suspect it.

    One particular story that has touched my heart lately is Jennifer’s. I met her a couple of months ago at one of our partner agencies that assists women that are pregnant and in need of food.

    Jennifer is only 17 years old and was working at a part time job to save for college. But then life took one of its many unexpected turns and Jennifer discovered that she was pregnant. Kicked out of her home, she found herself without a place to live and not enough money to pay for food or rent. I really felt for her – something like this can happen to anyone.


    When we met, Jennifer had been staying on a friend’s couch and using the food bank. “I was lost with nowhere to go. A social service worker I contacted told me about this prenatal program that also runs a food bank. Even though I’m in a really tough spot right now – it helps me get by.”

    With the help of the Jane St. Hub Prenatal Nutrition Program, Jennifer is able to access weekly meetings with other women that are pregnant. I have visited the program once before and can see how truly beneficial it can be for some people. It gives these women a chance to bond and discuss any problems they may be facing – and Jennifer finds this extremely helpful given her current situation. After each meeting, the women receive a hamper of healthy food and have an opportunity to speak with a registered dietitian regarding any nutritional concerns they may have. For many women, this program is a gift.

    “The dietitian in the program has really helped me learn about nutrition – which is extremely important to me because I’m eating for my baby now too. In fact, after I am back on my feet I hope I can finally go to college and become a dietitian myself. I want to help others the way that I have been helped.” Jennifer said hopefully.

    I feel better knowing that there are programs in my community that help people like Jennifer. Sometimes life doesn’t work out as planned. But because of people like you, I know that there is someone out there to catch us when we fall.

    This is just one of the many stories that come out of the programs that you support! Without you, Jennifer may not have found the help she needed or the inspiration to keep going despite unplanned circumstances.

    The summer is a time when our food bank stock becomes low. Hunger in our city doesn’t get to take a summer vacation – and neither does Jennifer. With your help, you can ensure that your neighbours are able to access amazing programs in your community regardless of circumstance.

    I’m making a plan this summer to partner with Jennifer and others like her to ensure they have the support and healthy food they need.  I hope you will join me!

    Please make a gift today and help us plan for a summer where no one goes hungry.


    Don’t miss out on the latest news! Sign up for our Enews today!

  3. Guest Blog: Meet Chloe

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    At North York Harvest Food Bank, we are so lucky to have AMAZING donors, volunteers and supporters make a difference in the lives of over 15,000 people in your community EACH MONTH!



    Hi Everyone!

    I am 11 years old and in grade 5 at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School. I got into volunteering at the food bank after my family and I went to drop off some donations and got a chance to have a tour of the sorting facility. My favourite part about volunteering is having a great feeling that I help out and being able to tell my friends about my experience and ask that they help out too.

    For my birthday I was lucky to have 2 parties. One with friends and one with my family. For the family celebrations, I asked my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents to collect their loose change and bring it on my birthday instead of buying me presents.  It felt great when they brought their change and I put it into the container that I was collecting it in and brought it when we went to sort food in March. My family thought it was really cool and they promised that they will try to save more change for the next time I come to them to collect for the food bank. My cousins were happy to help.


    My mom always tells us how lucky we are for having so much. Living in a nice house, having lots of toys and always food and snacks. She told us that not too far from where we live there are many kids who live in very sad situations. They don’t have toys, they don’t have a big house and many of them only get very little to eat. They have no choice of what to eat. 

    My mom also told us that she has to decided every day what she is going to cook for dinner, but there are parents out there who have to decide between paying the rent or buying food. This makes me very sad. So that’s why I want to help out the food bank so that kids can have meals.

    We plan to volunteer at the sorting facility, I am still collecting change to bring along. I am also going to make little things to sell to my friends to raise money. I have also invited friends to come with us to help sort food.


    I think volunteering is fun and it makes you feel great!

    Thank you,





    Thank you, Chloe for being such an inspiration and helping people in your community!

    If you would like to join Chloe in making a difference, see the many ways you can get involved with us here!

  4. Students for Change

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    Food is extremely important in all of our lives.

    It’s a part of each day, whether we are sharing it with others or enjoying it by ourselves.  We make decisions as to whether we want to go to a restaurant to eat, cook something up in the kitchen or just take it easy and order something right to the door.


    Whether your favourite food is pizza, salad, cookies or the many kinds of food out there, we all have opinions and preferences about the food we eat.

    We can’t live without it.

    This is why I find the statistics of hunger in our own backyard so disheartening.

    Did you know…?

    Over 15,000 people use the food bank in North York every month.


    1/3 of food bank users are children.


    54% of people using the food bank will miss a meal to pay other bills such as rent and transportation.


    33% of the people we serve will go without food at least one day per week.


    But what can we do?

    As you may recall, a few months ago I told you about Niraj Maharaj, the coordinator of the Food 4 Thought Food Bank at York University.  He saw the need for a food bank for students on campus and went to work making it happen.  He’s not the only person from York University that is making changes in his community.

    Recently, I got a chance to speak with Rumsha Siddiqui, a student at York U. She heard about hunger statistics in her class and was shocked that this is such a prominent issue in a city such as Toronto.  Hearing about this problem made her motivated to make a difference.

    “We are all part of one big community and it bothers me that some of us go to bed with a full stomach while others don’t. I felt the need to do something.”

    Rumsha and her classmates banded together to raise awareness in the community and help their neighbours in need.


    They visited schools to do presentations, teaching others about hunger in the city.

    They approached local stores to sponsor their food drive.


    They even ran a cotton candy event with the local student clubs to raise awareness.


    Rumsha and a few of her fellow students also joined us in the warehouse to volunteer sorting thousands of pounds of food.  She told me how she had a great time helping out.  She said she admired the dedication of the volunteers and staff.


    In total, the York University students managed to raise 5800 lbs. of food for their neighbours in need! With that incredible donation, 580 people in Toronto will receive a hamper full of good healthy food and be able to put food on the table tonight.


    What advice does Rumsha have for anyone wanting to fundraise for charity? 

    “Reach out to local businesses – even if you get rejected, don’t give up! We ended up having 3 stores sponsor us and raised a lot of food.  Don’t forget to reach out to your local community and give them the facts.  Just like we had no idea how big of an issue hunger is in our city – most people are also shocked to find out.”

    Rumsha had a great time fundraising for a cause she cares about and so can you!

    The Every Plate Full Campaign is on right now and it’s such an easy and fun way to get together with your friends, classmates, coworkers or even just as an individual to raise money for people in need!  Click here to find out more!



  5. Who Uses The Food Bank?

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    Your support benefits thousands of people throughout Toronto. Curious about who uses the food bank in your neighbourhood?


    Would you like to print this and share?

    View the PDF


  6. Filling Plates Together

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    Just do it!

    That was Anita Booth’s response when I asked her if she had tips for getting the office involved in charitable efforts.  As Genworth’s Director of Marketing and Community Relations, Anita has spearheaded the company’s fundraising events in our Every Plate Full Campaign.


    This summer alone, 918,724 Canadians will be using a food bank to fill their plates. National campaign Every Plate Full will bring thousands of people like you together to provide food for people that need it the most.


    This is the second year that Genworth employees have filled the plates of Canadians that use food banks.  Last year the employees raised $4000 through fun activities such as jeans day (which Anita tells me is very popular at the office) and running raffles.  This year is no different. “We kicked off on April 4th and we’ll spend the month raising money. Each week it’s something new and exciting. We have a 50/50 draw, a raffle for a new IPad and other great items”.

    And it’s more than raising money. “Working together to help others and having fun while doing it is what truly makes this effort a success. The employees really feel good at the end of the day.”

    How can you get your company involved with the Every Plate Full campaign? Anita tells me how easy it is to find a fundraising activity – no matter how small or busy your office may be.  “It’s easy and affordable to do things like jeans day, volunteering, an office potluck, a 50/50 draw or even a draw for a day away from the office. Anyone can get their employees excited about being a part of something no matter what their budget is.  It has also been proven that community involvement is imperative in attracting and retaining new talent.”


    So what are you waiting for?

    You can get your coworkers involved TODAY and be a part of this incredible nationwide effort to fill the plates of our neighbours! We want to provide 30,000 meals to your community and you can help make that happen! Sign up HERE or contact Shirah at 416-635-7771 x 48 or shirah@northyorkharvest.com and she’ll help you figure out what works for you and your company.

    Want to get involved as an individual or put a team together outside of work?  You can do that too!  Just sign up here! This summer, join thousands of Canadians across the country to ensure all of our neighbours have a full plate!

  7. Volunteer Appreciation 2016!

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    We love our volunteers! Without their dedication and heart, we wouldn’t be able to provide food for over 13,000 people in Toronto every month! THANK YOU!

    To celebrate their commitment, we have put together a slideshow of many of our fantastic volunteers in action!

    Join the Team! Volunteer with Us!

  8. Amp Up Your Food & Funds Drive!

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    One of the best ways of getting involved with your community is by holding your very own food & funds drive!  This is an awesome way of collecting money and non-perishable items that will go towards providing many meals for your neighbours in need!

    Did you know that there are MANY ways to raise food and funds that are exciting and fun?

    Check out some of these great ideas!

    Host a talent show!

    Invite the entire school including parents and the surrounding community!  You can charge 2 cans for admission and have us come and support you! Don’t forget to live tweet everything!



    Have a street or parking lot party!

    Put out a food collection bin and run a carnival and BBQ. Game tickets can go towards NYH!


    Cram a bus!

    Cram a bus with as much food as (safely) possibly and join us at the food bank!  We would love to give you a tour and show you how we sort the food!


     joe banana

    Dress Down (or Up) for Work

    In order for an employee to come wearing something other than usual, they must bring two cans of food or a monetary donation.


    Host a Competition for Who Brings in the Most Food & Funds

    Give out prizes like:

    • most food collected per site/office/classroom
    • collected the most money
    • best photos of the food collection staging


    Host a Silent Auction or Raffle

    Funds raised from your event will help support over 13,000 people a month with their food needs!


    Host a Dance

    Attendees can bring food or a donation to the food bank as their entrance fee.  You can even have a dance off to find out who has the best moves!



    Have a Garage Sale

    Clean out your unwanted items (one person’s trash can be another’s treasure!) while raising money for your neighbours that are hungry!


    Still not sure what kind of fun ideas there are when helping your community? Check out this great list of 87 IDEAS!

    Ready to have a great time and provide meals to your neighbours that are hungry? Contact Leslie at leslie@northyorkharvest.com or 416-635-7771 ex 21 TODAY!